WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee 15th July 2005, The Albert Hall, Ballater Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 05/291/CP Applicant Name Irvine Robertson Development 6 Dee Street, Ballater Development Details Forming of Access CNPA Notified 28-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 19-Jul-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Conservation Area SESA-SINS CNPA Ref 05/292/CP Applicant Name M Morrison & Partners Development The Crofts, Glenbuchat, Strathdon Development Details Extension to Dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Aberdeenshire Landscape Conservation Area CNPA Ref 05/293/CP Applicant Name Cairngorm Hotel Development Cairngorm Hotel, Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details Extension to Hotel CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/294/CP Applicant Name Cairngorm Hotel Development Cairngorm Hotel, Grampian Road, Aviemore Development Details Extension to Hotel [Listed Building Consent] CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type LBC Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/295/CP Applicant Name Daniel Hamill Development 1 Loch Ericht Cottages, Dalwhinnie Development Details Conservatory extension CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None Prev App 04/100/CP CNPA Ref 05/296/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs P Leslie Development Westhaugh, Newtonmore Road, Kingussie Development Details Extension to dwelling CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 05/297/CP Applicant Name Donal Powell Development Croft 2, Bogroy, Carrbridge Development Details Erection of implement/feed store/lambing shed CNPA Notified 30-Jun-05 Call-in Expiry 21-Jul-05 Application Type AGR Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None